Albert Bandura's Routine.

Albert Bandura's Routine

Albert Bandura wakes up very early in the morning, usually around six. He gets up straight and goes to the bathroom, showers, combs, brushes his teeth and dresses. He goes to the dining room to have breakfast at 7 with his family
 At 8 home sales, take the train or the bus to pick up some books. Before returning home to a supermarket to buy some food before the children return from school to do the chores with them and then play for a while.
As soon as he arrives home, he helps his wife a suit, cooks, while he feels knocking on the door and he goes to the door in April because the children arrive at the school and come to the table to eat a rich lunch.
At 6 o'clock he leaves his house and goes to the center, where I meet my friends and take a coffee, a while and then a walk in the streets of the center and his friends do a lot. At 8 o'clock he returns home and at 8 o'clock he has dinner with his family.
After staying in the room to talk and listen to the events of the day or watching television for a while. At 10 o'clock, she says good night to her children and goes to the library to check a book. Then the bed goes, he will change and put on his pajamas and lie down. He usually sees the television lying next to his wife, after a mouse falls asleep.

By: Maria Cecilia Gomez


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